Business Growth, Investment, Communication, Technology, and more…


After I successfully built and sold my first company in 2012, I began getting requests from companies around the United States to provide consulting services for them. Since then, I have worked with companies ranging from zero to 8 years old on various projects. My most popular and successful services to date are listed below:

Business Strategy and Growth Consulting

One of my most popular services is business strategy and growth consulting. My goal is to figure out the issue(s) your business is having, and help build a plan to create growth in the future.

Many times I see that growth is stalled due to ineffective marketing, poorly communicated product lines, attacking the wrong customer base, or even poorly design user experiences. In my experience, it always helps to get an experienced outside viewpoint who can help you identify potential blockers and help you create a strategy to overcome then that will open up your growth and revenue.

Investment Consulting

Since I launched my first company in 2005, I have successfully raised over $60M for my companies. I have also helped my clients understand the process and vehicles available to them for raising money for their businesses. Keep in mind that there is a fine line between being under or over funded and you want to understand the positives and negatives for each prior to launching a single round.

If you are currently raising, your raises have stalled, or if you are considering a new raise, I may be able to provide you with much needed guidance.

Communication Consulting

Many of my clients have communication issues and do not recognize that it exists. For example, your product or service may not be being communicated to your target audience effectively. This would prevent growth. Or your C-level’s and Advisors do not understand your business enough to communicate to potential investors and clients… which again, can stall growth.

Communication can impact 75% of your business operations without you ever realizing it. It is very important to get outside expertise that could ultimately save you thousands of dollars, and even your entire business.

    Technology Consulting

    Every single company I have built, which to date has been 4, has been heavy on technology. From ecommerce, to music and entertainment, to social media, and on to real-time virtual travel using mobile devices… the majority of businesses today must use technology effectively. The issue I have seen with my clients is that they believe they have built amazing platforms and user experiences, however, there is a disconnect when it comes to their actual user base.

    For this and other reasons, it can be important to bring in someone who has “been there – done that” and who has an unbiased view when it comes to the tech you are using or building for your business.